Monday, October 21, 2013


Enrique Iglesias.
His name alone is synonymous of beauty, male beauty. 
At least to me. He was my very first crush at the age of 11, and I'm still not over him. But you see, there's two phases to Enrique Iglesias. 
There's the super sensitive, shy singer/songwriter from Spain making it big, no I mean megabig, in Mexico. And then there's the Enrique in U.S. who made sure there was nothing left of the youthful, playful singer/songwriter Enrique. 

I am in love with the former. That shy smile that melted hearts still brings back memories of my own childish crush on him. Those mysterious eyes and seductive voice. He was perfect. 

He had a certain touch of innocence. 

 Was I the only one who had posters of him in my locker? Haha Yeah, I liked him. A little too much.

Yeah, his 90's look was the best! haha 

 Seriously, can he get any sexier?! Haha

The 90's definitely brought the best artists, and most handsome too. Of course I am super biased because I'm a 90's kid! 

Life changes so dramatically and the only proof we lived it is the memories and photographs...occasionally we resort to those pop songs we played over and over again... 

I like the less popular songs too:
And his covers:
Okay, maybe that's too much Enrique for the night...not without highlighting the few new songs I actually like:
Hope you enjoyed him as much I did! 


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