Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lovers to Friends

Because I understand no reason,
It’s the darkness what keeps me bound to this prison.
My face is scarred with tears,
I keep quiet and hide my fears.
I can’t seem to walk it off
Or put it off
I hate the facts
And refuse to act
Its not that I’m not understood
Just misunderstood
It’s the absence
It’s the void
It’s the meaningless
It’s the motionless
It’s the emptiness
Like I said, it’s the absence
Maybe the darkness
It’s a life of torn images
A torn heart
Torn apart
It comes from deep within
And remains therein
Not to be seen.
I blame it on me,
For relaying on uncertainty
And chasing disparity
“Flames to dust
Lovers to friends”
It’s true...all good things come to an end. 

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