I’m a scary cat I’ll admit it.
I’ve been afraid to speak and be wrong, and speak and be crushed to tiny pieces!

Last night however, the fear went away. I was able to speak up for my beliefs and principles; I stood up for what is right and not what is popular. The interesting (and sad part) was that person who was compromising our Christian beliefs and principles was a leader himself. I do not blame him. There are people who are honestly mistaken, but when light shines on their ignorance or error they cease to be honest. If no change is made then, no change WILL be made.
Where did I get my courage from?
Romans 1:16 says: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth..”
This was the theme for
(I could say more; but it deserves a whole blog on its own)
or if I am the only one being different...